Thursday, 8 October 2015

Javascript programming language – part 2

In this post let us see how to create a javascript function with parameter and associated function
How to create object in javascript programming language .

Step 1:

Let us use Notepad++ as our editor, we create new html page and save is as what name you like with .html extension.

Here is the sample i created for the demo.

Step 2:

Create new html page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>:::JAVASCRIPT OBJECTS:::</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
   //javascript function with two parameters, 
//constructor function
function showDetails(name, age)
   //properties = name;
this.age = age;
//Assign the showSalary function sal properties member
this.sal = showSalary;
//Associate function
function showSalary(amount)
var salary = amount * 3;
return salary;
//Creating object for the function showDetails
var emp = new showDetails("Pradeep", 24);
//Displaying the name into the browser
document.write("My name is :  <b>" + + "</b><br />");
//Displaying the age into the browser
document.write("My age is : <b>" + emp.age + "</b><br />");
//passing parameter to the showSalary function this is the way we need to call he function in javascript.
document.write("My Salary is : <b>" + emp.sal(5000) + "</b>");

Finally execute the program in the browser and see output. Thank you


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